Programs Offered

Ice House


Business I

Business II

GCMI Drive

GCMI Elite

ETA Open Doors

Financial Life Skills

Mi Negocio


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Business II helps you develop your business plan.



The Business II – Development of the Plan and Financial Management sessions provides in-depth training and support in the areas of Financial Management, Financial Projections, Bookkeeping, and Marketing.  During these sessions you will receive Business coaching and consultation from our Instructors, Coaches, and Staff.


Business II curriculum includes:


  • Product and Service Development
  • Marketing Your Product or Service
  • Business Financials – From Start-up to Cash Flow
  • Introduction to QuickBooks and Financial Management systems and tools
  • Development of Your Business Plan –Use of Technology
  • Implementation of Your Business Plan


The objective of this training is to provide continued development of the Business Plan by introducing financial projections, financial management tools and industry professional’s perspectives and expertise in the areas of Product and Service development, Marketing, and Information Technology.  Having a completed Business Plan by the end of these sessions is the objective of coaching and training. 


After completing Business II, all participants are evaluated on several factors to determine if they are able to advance to GCMI’s next level of learning called GCMI Elite.   Some the determining factors include but not limited to: classroom participation, instructor evaluation, a “Business Ready” product or service, and Business Plan assessment.  All clients must complete the GCMI Elite Application and be interviewed by the GCMI Elite Program Coach and determination includes approval by the GCMI, Executive Director.